
  • Class
    Cross-language implementation of dynamic object what can hold value of any type.
    Cross-language implementation of dynamic object array what can hold values of any type.
    Cross-language implementation of dynamic object map (dictionary) what can hold values of any type.
    Data transfer object that is used to pass results of paginated queries.
    Data transfer object used to pass filter parameters as simple key-value pairs.
    Interface for data objects that contain their latest change time.
    Interface for data objects that are able to create their full binary copy,.
    Helper class to generate unique object IDs.
    Generic interface for data objects that can be uniquely identified by an id.
    Interface for data objects that have human-readable names.
    Interface for data objects that can be uniquely identifed by a string id.
    Interface for data objects that can track their changes, including logical deletion.
    Interface for data objects that can be versioned.
    An object that contains string translations for multiple languages.
    Data transfer object to pass paging parameters for queries.
    Defines projection parameters with list if fields to include into query results.
    Defines a field name and order used to sort query results.
    Defines a field name and order used to sort query results.
    Cross-language implementation of a map (dictionary) where all keys and values are strings.
    Helper class to extract and process search tags from objects.
    Data transfer object that is used to pass results of paginated queries.
    Data transfer object to pass tokenized paging parameters for queries.